Man, it truly has been a long time coming, but I am finally writing on the blog again. Things have been quite productive in life, being that the focus has been kept and great people have been coming into my life. The business is running well, meeting a lot of newer people and making decisions to move the ship on big in this next 5 months. Its time for a change. Everyone is ready to move forward with their business, because they have realized their dreams and goals are just around the corner. And it is a priviledge to be able to help them achieve it. The only thing that separates them from me is time spent, experiences and a deep inner desire to do what it takes. But they have already found that in their lives, and it is beginning to manifest. 2 years from now, we will be doing whatever we want, whenever we want with whomever we want, and I couldn't be more excited.
I am going through a LOT of personal growth myself. Spiritually, socially, in my relationship, and with my family. There is a tight bond that exists in each and everyone of them. It was just a matter of knowing what it took to strengthen each one. I believe that in every type of area of life that you have to speak bold about what you believe in, and you will find that people by default will believe in you. Its called passion. Kelley Bremer says it is one of my fortes. I figure if I focus on that area of my life, that the rest of what could potentially hold me back from achieving my goals in life will become nonexistent. If you don't speak it, it does not exist, so I've learned. There is a saying by a spiritual scholar named Freddy Price, where "death and life are in the power of the tongue". You can bring people up or you can tear them down with your words. You can make light of things by the words you speak, or they will be hidden under shadows with the words that you lack on the subject.
It all stems back to the power of the human mind, which I am now realizing. I am sure I have said it before, but if you believe you are something, and speak it enough, your subconscious mind won't let you NOT believe it. You can convince yourself into failure or unlimited success. Bottom Line. The only reason that many will not achieve that is because in a complicated society's eyes, a saying like that is too simple. Maybe that is what separates the Greats of this life from the critics and those who have failed; People simply worry too much, overcomplicate too much and focus too little. Hustle and bustle is the new age killer of success. Not enough people are convicted to one cause, but scattered over many. Their mental eggs are hidden in too many bushes for the masses to discover. But the power of all those pieces put together will far surpasss even the most successful people of this life. It takes consistency, good focus, never letting up, and a plethora of passion. You can't fight with someone who has already decided to win. You'd be wasting your time. Its indecision that brings flighty-ness. Make a decision, be a man (or woman), stick to it, immerse yourself in it, and you will never falter. Even if it takes you 40 years to get it right, you will be remembered for it and stand tall above the 98%. Leaving a legacy is the key to existence. Because you can live far beyond your years if you have a following with a purpose. Purpose lives longer than the human itself. It is body-less, not subject to the emotions, and has its own spirit that lives indefinitely.
If people only knew it was that easy. Its reprogramming their minds to think otherwise that is the task. But its your mind, and noone elses. Take hold of it like your own child, and don't let anyone poison it.