More To The Mind Than Meets The Personality

Monday, June 15, 2009

What is it good for? Absolutely everything...

We are in a war these days.

No longer is it the traditional wars of weapons and warring countries. But rather the moral battles of fighting for what is right, for a purpose-filled life rather than a circumstantial life. Successful people create their own circumstances. It is funny how most people in the war we wage are surprised when they are being shot at. But that's what happens in war; you get shot at. Bottom line. Bullets fly without direction or sometimes cause. Most will whizz by your ears, while others will make direct contact and penetrate the walls of your heart.

You have to just accept that things are not gonna change and that once you turned 18 that you've already enlisted to be let out into the real world in order to begin your mission, your assigned task. Once you are on the battlefield, you have two choices: fight with undying valor and expectation that you've already won, or hide and cower from it all thus incurring the risk of losing your manly spirit or, most importantly, your life as you sail through the winds of your retreat. You can only ever live or die on the battlefield. The sad thing is that most people die before they ever step foot on enemy territory; before they are even shot. Those are the many that bleed cold on the inside, with a extinguished soul and a heart slowly drained of its content.

Mainly, no one ever showed these soldiers of good fortune how to weild a rifle. Not a single man ever told them that they have just as equal chance of being killed by sitting as they are in the charge. No one ever told them they were chosen to fight for a reason. Rather, they were just thrown on the front line without guidance. Everyone needs guidance, a uniform basic training. However in the battle for the heart, most of the time there is no uniform preparation. That was a choice from within the underpinnings of your upbringing: whether your commanders ever put you through Basic, or whether you listened when they did.

With criticism and other attacks on the heart of men in their pursuit to become and maintain their manhood, they are given the choice of escaping from quiet desperation. Everything in life is a choice, but most fail to ever choose. They stand paralyzed in fear, afraid to make the wrong decision, never certain that their is already a plan for their lives, with no clue who they are or that He created them in the eyes of greatness. And so they stand still while being shot at. He acts surprised that another human being could have the heart to make an agressive attempt at taking his life for the benefit of their own cause. Yet all he must do is pick up his rifle, weild his weapon as he was taught to do, and step forward to fight the battle he was intended to fight ever since his heart's first beat. There was never anything to lose or sacrifice, but the essence of his being; a candle that would remain burning long after the battle had been won. Let us hope that most of us men live on not with a dim candle, but a bright orange flame that no wind or opposition could ever extinguish.


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