Update: 8 months away from a new beginning
I've made it a point to write in this journal again because it has always been something I've enjoyed; sharing thoughts, analyzing many decisions and milestones, and placing a bookmark in the myriad of chapters in our lives. It used to be that I would always write to vent about the problems that I have experienced or the hurts that came to ail my oh-so-undeveloped heart and soul. But nowadays, it is all about cloud nine status. Sure, I continue to feel the stress of the average, mediocre life that I am imprisoned to at the time, but not for long. The desire for a better than average life has emerged from me like that alien-thing that was impregnated into Sigourney Weaver's belly in the movie Alien: it seeded itself into the nourishing arteries of her body and became part of her, one with her. And although it took longer than the typical alien baby does to poke its head into the world, this desire to achieve great things (backed with the actual willingness to work hard for it) has been born. It is truly a burning desire that rages inside of me, almost to the point of anger when a minute in the day has not been contributed to the vehicle that will drive me to a better stay for my future family. I know that there are few opportunities in life to live above the rest and survive outside of the hinderances of the dollar bill. So therefore take this season in my adventure towards a new freedom quite seriously.
Think about this...what decisions in life are NOT made because of a financial status or income? When you are born, your 2 day stay in a hospital costs money. The gas that gets you home, the quality of yo crib (ha), the diapers...all that stuff. Really, the quality of one's life comes from the demeanor and love of the parents. But what causes a parent to go off on a child, forget to have patience and love for a child, miss a football game, a ballet recital, or even get a divorce? Money. That evil that comes from needing the green paperback which so proudly displays our historical background in the style of the Presidents of the past and the value of trust in God. In God We Trust. Or should it say "In God We Trust That This Dollar Bill Won't Rule Every Decision We Make?" Because really the only thing that keeps us patient, kind, and understanding of the financial decisions we must make in light of the economy is our faith; faith that we can either outearn the problem or that God will provide. That is when our faith comes handy, and typically when a majority of people revert back to their once-strengthened faith. God wants us all to prosper, but the activation of faith is what will allow us to. Simply asking for the wisdom and courage to do something about it every single day is the way to success, to outearn every problem (whilst keeping in mind that money will NEVER buy happiness, but can extinguish certain anguish). God can't bless what you don't do to change the world AND your world, so I've learned.
My journey to outearn the dilemmas of the dollar bill have brought me to a pretty good spot in life. It hasn't been easy, but is easier than most corporate setups that I will never have to experience. Forget about the layoffs, long hours, losing out on quality family time and laziness on the weekends because of fatigue. It has been more of an internal battle for me to be successful in this arena. But I believe that overcoming the internal struggle (finding out who you are, focusing on only your strengths, developing in all areas of life, learning how to win friends and influence people in the right direction, and discover what we are all made of) will make anyone successful in all areas of life. A friend of mine and I were having coffee and analyzing life (stimulating the brain, so to speak) and I realized that what Rene Descartes said in his famous philosophical writings, however simple and out there as it may sound, "I think therefore I am" is a saying to live by. The kicker is strengthening your mind and stretching yourself everyday to learn how to deal with all situations both uncomfortable and uncommon. That way when you think you are something, you will become it with ease knowing that there will always be failures that elicit almost certain successes. If you just believe without a shadow of a doubt that you will be the President of the United States, for example, then what you have done is now decided in your mind of mental toughness that you are the President of the United States. Now it is simply a matter of the clock ticking before you are there. All you have to do now is take the necessary steps with courage and faith and you will do exactly whatever you have to do to get there. Once you make a decision on true faith, you are unstoppable. It doesn't matter how tough the road is, the trial and trebulations are not enough to stop you in your tracks. And if they do, then the desire was never strong enough. But a goal in life backed with a workable plan and passion to fuel it can never be replaced. It is the power of expectancy that drives a man or woman to do great things.
In March of 2009, I will have outearned if not replaced my Red Lobster income. I will still continue to work there until it makes sense to leave, because by that time I will actually enjoy working there because it will be for fun and not for the money. (Side note: If you truly love/like your job, would you do it for free?) In December of 2009, my girl will not ever have to work for another company ever again, as there will be enough extra income to allow her to stay home and plan our life together. She will be 23 years old and never see the artificial light of a corporate building, and that is my promise to her because she supported me when no one else believed in me or believed in themselves. By December of 2010, a strong 6 figure income is guaranteed to be rolling in, and it will make sense to step away from any sort of active-style income and commit full time to the projects at hand to help other ppl achieve greatness and success in life. By that time, it will be the start of planning a crazy life with the ones I love and help them see the life that we were intended to lead: to enjoy the fruits of His labor, to inspire others into greatness, and to help as many people on this earth with the abundance of income that will continue to flow from the business system we started in June of 07. All it will have took is 3 and 1/2 years of focus that liberated my family from a life of average, a melody of mediocrity, and a common charade that we like to call "the good life." Retired before 30, never a job ever again, freedom to do whatever we please. We cheated the system by 35+ years. Sounds crazy, huh?
And it's funny because everyone in this world has the same opportunity that I did. The only difference is in a simple choice to take this life on faith, take the other road less travelled and spend a couple of years to do something different than normal with the help of a mentor and a team thats willing to do the work for you. And that's only the beginning. Mark my words...starting in March of 09, these journal entries will sound quite different. I only hope that I will be able to translate the peace of my life then into words of wisdom and inspiration that can be understood by the common man. I am no better than anyone in this world, but I knew that I couldn't lose, that we were meant to live for so much more than 9-5, I-4 traffic and separation of families. I want love beyond measure, memories to last many lifetimes, and all the great things that life has to offer...and I will have it.
God, if they could only read this and let me show them the way. It's so much easier than living a life of same old same old, cyclical in nature, pounding the alarm clock, dreading the layoff, fearing the shifts of the economy. Give me the strength, the inspiration, words of enthusiasm and the courage to help them all make the best decision of their lives. And give me the means to build trust and friendship with each and every one, so that they may too see the vision I have for this uncommon life we are about to lead.