More To The Mind Than Meets The Personality

Saturday, June 24, 2006

Life is Good

It seems that forever and a day has passed and life only gets better. I remember writing entries that could sometimes be taken as negative to someone who only wanted to love me like she does now. I guess I was impatient in those times. Second guessing myself was a normal attribute to my personality. Maybe it was the way I was raised, always thinking I had to or could do better. Sometimes accepting things the way they are is good enough. No point in struggling for something that takes way too much effort.

I am the happiest man alive, I feel. My loving girlfriend and I have a great relationship that has only strengthened through time. I find myself in utter excitement for the days to continue passing us by. Emily and I bond more and more each day. Soon we are to move into a new apartment, decorate it with beautiful furniture, accessories and a touch of our own tastes. It is going to feel more like home than any place has ever felt. No more drama up to our necks, no more bowling or banging above our heads, and a huge living space to call our own. Although sometimes I wonder what it would be like to live alone with Em, but in the same thought I figure it will happen rush. We are still young and have tons to experience yet. We just fit together. I have never felt so comfortable with someone ever. I can always be myself with her and she will never judge me. Nor can the rest of the world even penetrate my steel bubble. I am the epitome of the happiest person alive, and no one can take that from me.

Strenghtening a relationship, though, has its bumps in the road. Even when driving on such a straight and smoothly-paved road, you will always encounter natural wear. Life's bitter responsibility can hinder a couple from the good life every so often. No matter the constant happy-go-lucky mood throughout the weeks, eventually something is going to weigh heavily on us. Whether we can withstand it or not is a different story. But I understand now that it should be standard practice not to fight it because it is always bound to happen. Instead, choose to find someone to help carry the burden. Rarely is a random someone there for you when you least expect it. But those who truly love you are always there for you without need for notice. Lessons so valuable can only be learned from this woman I love so much.