More To The Mind Than Meets The Personality

Monday, May 02, 2005


A chick responded to my entry about all the thoughts that I had...I dont know how she really took it, but she makes it seem like I dont believe in god. Rather, I just question the world we live in and its principles. And using text references from the bible doesn't do much for me for two reasons (1) because I hate reading and (2) because doubt sometimes whether a piece of literature can reveal the mystery of someone more powerful than we, especially since it was so long ago. Ever thought truthfully that the Holy bible isnt something holy? Maybe it is an instrument of socialization, teaching everyone what is generally right and wrong and defining those things in its own respect. Like I said I believe wholeheartedly in the fact that God exists, but greatly believe that He doesn't expect as much of us as we think from a source such as the bible. There are so many questions in this world as to whether God really exists, but it comes down to faith and believing. And from that I feel that anyone can easily become faithful in something that offers that heightened sense of faith and salvation by it since it is a long-standing idea. Religion is an idea, just as the theory that we think and therefore we exist. What about Darwin's theory? Why does/did God create a world where there are many theories and ideas if he ultimately wants us to follow in his image and law? I believe God created abortion, I believe God gave every person the choice to be gay, and all that shit because it makes us happy human beings and allows us to be the unique humans we are. It would not exist if it weren't meant for it to be within arms reach. I think that abortion is wrong because you should have a great deal of responsibility before getting pregnant or actually plan it. But if it happens, then it happens, and God will not ever criticize you no matter what you do, if you believe in him, that is if he does exist. Do you have any sympathy for rape victims? They don't mean to go out and become abused on purpose.
And I don't know what the purpose of living is really, but it is something we are given to mold as our own. I never deny any possibility in this vast universe that is soo amazing in size and in scrutiny. So please don't question an idea when you have no proof that there is no other option but God, because then you are saying that a man like Hitler, who preached his own ideas and hundreds of thousands confided in him, is a God, and that man was a f*$#ing elitist pig. We can only think sometimes as humans that if we believe in something, then we always have a last resort when something bad goes wrong or there is no one to turn to. Everyone always returns to religion for an excuse to get what they want, to prove something, or to comfort themselves. Sounds selfish to me sometimes. Why not look within yourself or confide in another heart and soul? What of psychotic people who believe strange things will keep them sane? Why do they exist or even have the ability to think that way? God is the watchmaker, he simply winds up the watch and lets it go. And if anyone can prove it otherwise without the bible, then you find me a believer again in every aspect of "Gods word"...but I have yet to find complete understanding and always keep an open mind and heart, as God or whoever has given us that choice (and I venture far enough to call it our gift).
You and I both know that this universe is way too complex and the population way too diverse to make one idea the way to a mentality of utopian existence through belief. It may work in your world, but maybe some others have no need for the idea of God...maybe you can exist in a heightened state of self-faith that allows you to always be able to find hapiness in the world confidently (knowing that loving one another is the key to the most satisfying reward, being that it makes you and another person feel have to experience that firsthand to know and love it that much I guess).


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