After spending thousands of dollars on useless crap, you begin to realize that your previous notion that steers you away from the importance of money was correct all along. I have never been one to care about money at all, really it is just something to obtain and spend for ones own personal benefit or for the benefit of someone else. I walked into my room tonight after being on time for my crappy curfew and I took in all that I had purchased in the last year: Laptop, new car (payments that is), 32 inch flat screen tv, surround sound system, playstation and games to humor it, guitar and guitar books, random items to act as accessories for the things I bought (especially on my car) and recently an Ipod. Out of all of those things, I think Ill use my Ipod the most, only because I appreciate music and sound alot. You can see that common trend in everything I bought, including the sound system in my car yet to be upgraded. But when it gets right down to it, I never watch tv, never play games, practice guitar as much as I used to, and hardly work on my car. You can only discover why when you are walking hand in hand with a beautiful blond bombshell with everything to offer, including thousands and thousands of hours worth only the most priceless hapiness in all of the world. I only bought crap like that to keep me busy because I was lacking something that made me complete. I guess I needed that extra 20 inches of viewing space and the extra sound coverage to see that money cannot compare to all of the amazing things you will experience in life when you are in love. I practiced the same old notes on my guitar only to discover a new way to make music by strumming the strings of the soul, connecting each riff to the next by means of laying each finger softly on the right place to achieve the proper tone that rings in my ears constantly when I see her.
If I could ever offer any advice to anyone, it would be this: Money really is only meant to keep yourself alive by the bare necessities, keep alive those you love by giving with thought and compassion rather than price and value, and to spend on new experiences because the world we live in puts a price on some of those things which really should be free. Money can't provide the type of euphoria that two in love can live from day to day together, always there for one another ontop a silky cloud high above those who will never understand the sentiments that are felt along the magic carpet ride that life will bring for you to charter with that special someone. And don't give up if you haven't found someone to discover that with. Some love doesn't always work, and you can't make it work if it won't. There will always be another chance. Stick to love only if it feels right in every possible way on both sides of the relationship. And if a bump comes along, learn from it, fix it, and stray from it forever. Just steer clear of the really bumpy roads where there will be no turning back and your shocks will feel the most costly of damage. Don't live in an illusion of love where there is no today worth being happy for. One day, from nowhere, someone will show and smile your way, connecting instantaneously with your eyes and the butterflies will soar in your stomachs. Only a connection as unique for two people as that is worth pursuing and worth waiting for. Use patience for that reason, because the divine plan that this world operates upon loves to surprise and shock those prepared for a life ahead of them looking for the wrong things. So know that your time, your chance, your lucky choice, your connection will come once upon a time when you least expect it and your life seems to lack something. Make the best of what you have and never be selfish, because that something that stirs you inside may not be there tomorrow. Be grateful for that or the something that gives you reason, purpose, knowledge, logic and experience in your life. I'm gonna go with my good buddy Forest on this one: "Life is like a box of chocolates; you never know what you're gonna get" and just when you think you do, its gonna be the coconut if you don't cherish it, but the cherry if you pick it out delicately and with patience. "Me and Kitty 'like peas and carrots"
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