More To The Mind Than Meets The Personality

Tuesday, January 18, 2005


Yesterday was awesome as is every day with Emily. I woke up at 900, even though I was supposed to wake up at 800, and made way to Emily's house at rapid rice rocket Corolla speed. I got there about 925 and plopped down in bed with her (not my Corolla) and we kissed a little bit and fell asleep in each other's arms. I love that feeling of closeness that we feel for each other. It's always hard to sleep without her now. Every night I get home at 230 in the morning and, although I might have been dead tired when I left her apartment, I am always awake without a chance in hell to get to sleep for the next half of an hour or unless I am dead DEAD tired.
So after we woke up at 1...
Wait, pause. There are alot of old people in the student, funny shit. Must be a Depends convention or something...
...we laid around and talked, joked like we usually do, got a bit more comfortable and closer like we always end up doing and had a bit of a "workout"...a few miles up and back. So after that, it was 400 (I did say a few miles, correct?) and we were hungry as shit, because we all know shit gets very hungry. So, about 5, we went to China Jade buffet, had a nice grub session, and laughed about stupid shit and some funny stuff too. After, we had originally planned to go look at some tattoo and piercing parlors, but I guess the early sunset causes you to get lazy and plan on doing stuff another day.
Oh, by the way, I plan to get my tongue pierced if i didnt already mentioned. I'm lacking in things that set me apart from childhood, and my 19th birthday is coming up, so i plan to do something farfetched as piercing my tongue to actually make more of my birthday than just another boring year of my life. And this year has been one filled with change and new experiences, so why quit now, I'm on a roll...butter me up baby! Someone asked me if it was because I am dating Emily. Well, to be honest, yes! But not because she is crazy (which she is crazy/sexy/cool) and she doesnt have any piercings (though she was thinking about getting one with me). It's because I can be myself around her and be crazy like I used to be before family, school and the rest of the fucked up society deemed me as the glue that holds everything together so that my image might be one to inspire or to keep sanity. But im sick and tired of that bullshit insanity that they place upon me just because I have a brain and a heart that isnt concerned with money, appearance or wanton arrogance. So im gonna blow everyone's mind, especially my parents who assume that I am supposed to be the good one (even though I am and I will always be, because a piercing is not a representation of evil but only a need to separate onesself from the ordinary bullshit of everyday life).
Ok, gotta go, Emily is getting fidgety waiting for me to ill explain later, or whenever I come off of this high that the girl next to me gives me by looking at me and being anxious to be with me!


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