Jessica's Quote
Fairy tales do not tell children the dragons exist. Children already know that dragons exist. Fairy tales tell children the dragons can be killed.-G. K. Chesterton
Perfect quote that shows us that some of us are extinguished of our dreams when we grow up from childhood and take on the responsibilities of a proper life. But why is it that we aren't told that we can still slay the dragon? Why are we not given the map to the castle where the mystical creature's dungeon lies and the beauty screams loudly from atop the highest floor, begging for salvation from her one true love? Rather, we are made a loyal serf, a lord of the land, a master of his trade living in the storybook as the Knight rides valiantly by his countrymen to achieve his prestige, to attain his utopic life and salvage the true love that remains in his heart for the rest of the world to see. He stands tall as an example of danger and gusto, unafraid of the road ahead knowing that the battle is well worth it, the journey long and exciting and the end goal in mind well worth it. So many movies depict a man rising above his situation to go against the odds and, because he never quits, he always becomes something more than the odds would have him remain. Will they continue to make these movies if real men do not pursue what they were meant to have in this world. God planned it out for us to have all the wealth and the riches of the world. It is just our responsibility to believe it is ours while reaching out to take our slice of the pie. And this baby is Cherry Cheese Cake, believe me! Time to stomach it.
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