More To The Mind Than Meets The Personality

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

1 Ball Corner Pocket

Ya know, its funny how I hear about so many people just getting drunk and getting into some porno-idealistic hot sex scene and raving about how awesome it was. Well, let me tell you, that apparently only lasts in the moment. And for some that is good enough, allowing them to overlook any emotional ideals or wondering thoughts of love, focusing on where the relationship goes from here. I, on the other hand, have never imagined myself in such a predicament nor have I ever been in a drunken sex position...until now. But I don't think of it as drunken sex. Rather I shall deem it a high-speed chase through a tunnel of passionate love making. I could never just fuck. Fucking is for people needing to satisfy their bodies' wants and are too lazy to just do it themselves, therefore risking the heart break of another. Call me old fashioned, but what ever happened to chivalry or, in a less harsher sense, the guy sweeping the girl off of her feet and thus pleasing the both of them.

Clue me in to when sex all of a sudden became a game by means of win, lose or draw. Why not just win all the time?

Anywho back to my previous choo choo of tunnel-driven thought...

When you are buzzed, drunk at the point of not being wasted or spinning, all of your insecurities, uncertainties, and stray thoughts are cancelled out. Those are the ideas that are beyond the perpendicular line of straight eyesight and bend either in an obtuse or acute fashion (give or take 10 degrees on either extreme). You start to focus on what matters most in your mind and what heals your hardened heart, ultimately what makes you the happiest. If you are in love, you tend to think of it in a more focused sense and can have the most passionate sex and call it love. Sometimes its hard to give someone the love that they deserve when you are a guy in my position (which is always thinking and with a mind not obedient to his master). We all wander in thought, just there is a time and a place to do it and not to do it. Still haven't figured out how to surpass that challenge that poses itself as a mountain of despair. But I can tell you it has a lot to deal with knowing that someone loves you with all percentages of their fractional heart. When intoxicated, you focus on how much you love that person and cannot think otherwise, because your crazed love for that person exceeds all boundaries, climbing the highest mountains twice over. Same goes for those sex gods that end up sleeping with people and ditching them a week later...only with different motivation and thought patterns. They have no emotions to worry about and could care less about falling in love. But they are missing out, they cannot feel that incredible satisfaction after working so hard to obtain it and understand it completely. Call me a realist, or call me crazy, but love is truly a challenge worth taking on. Alcohol will cancel it out momentarily, but helps you to see a different take on love and feelings. Amazing love making (which is sex to some, or a good fuck...whatever really) can come from sweet love and devotion of the body and soul. Its worth the wait and worth discovering it.

Oh and by the way James, the pool table finally came around...


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