More To The Mind Than Meets The Personality

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Krystal Clear

A beautifully intellectual and great friend of mine always seems to carry the same opinions and thoughts about life and love as I do (or quite close). We connect on many levels, mainly through our writing, and experience firsthand the insatiable hunger for knowledge about life, love and our pursuits in hapiness. And we reveal our findings in these internet "diaries" of ours. One of her entries has caught my eye for passion and I don't want to ever forget it, and neither should you...

When Spirituality and Passion Collide

Excerpt from Spirituality for the Skeptic:
"...the spiritual life is a passionate life and that neither sprituality nor passion is as such irrational...among these spritual passions are love (predictably), reverence, and trust."

I felt this was an appropriate beginning blog. thank you
pas·sion:1. A powerful emotion, such as love, joy, hatred, or anger.
What does it mean to be passionate? passionate towards someone or towards something? is it the definition i've mentioned above...a bland combination of adjectives and nouns? or is it what the words tell us it should be?i've come to the conclusion that much of society throw these "powerful" words around, such as love or hate, that many of them have lost their 'luster' in displaying any sort of meaning towards anything remotely me, passion would be (and i'll try to put this as best i can) my feelings toward playing the piano. the simple striking of a chord that causes the sound to resonate at my fingertips, travel up my arms, only to fill my head with a sort of serenity; furthermore, to long for it in such a way it makes my heart ache (can you tell i don't always have access to one) me that's passion. something that's linked to the soul, not some pair of shoes or a cute shirt that looks good when coordinated with the right purse.

A passionate life was often characterized by Goethe, Hegel, Kierkegaard, and Nietzsche as a "...constant striving, even frenzy, typified by insatiability and impossible passions."maybe they're right, but frankly i hardly think a case of 'right and wrong' would give a correct least not one you were looking for. my random advice (more so a plea) is to embrace affection and strive for the impossible. be able to hold your passion delicately in the palm of your hand, but let it not be one of materialistic value. shall it be linked to your spirit, know that you will never have lost sight of true love.

posted by a beautiful mind: Kris @ 2:36 AM


At 7:49 AM, Blogger k said...

haha..."insatiable hunger"? hungry again?

you're too great. :)


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